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"Somaliland is a small miracle in a sea of difficulty"-Rory Stewart, former UK Secretary of International Development

Rory Stewart

19 April, 2019

“If we are talking about pan Africanism, which Uganda prides itself to be a leader in this push, I think the time is ripe for us to recognize and start working with Somaliland,” Uganda Parliamentary Committee Chairman on Foreign Affairs committee Hood Katuramu

Hood Katuramu

18 April, 2019

“A place that has made something out of virtually nothing” former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo during a visit to Somaliland.

Olusegun Obasanjo

28 November, 2018

The recognition of Somaliland "should not be linked to the notion of "opening a pandora's box." The Report of African Union's Fact Finding Mission on Somaliland in 2005.

African Union

28 November, 2018

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